
Junior Certificate School Programme(JCSP)

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A student centered approach to the Junior Cycle Curriculum

The J.C.S.P. is a national programme sponsored by the Department of Education and Science(D.E.S) and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment(N.C.C.A.). It is an intervention for potential early school leavers. It is based on the concept that all young people are capable of achieving real success in school, and they can have a positive experience of education, if the conditions are favourable. Currently the programme is operating in 150 schools throughout the country.

It is not an alternative to the Junior Certificate but a support framework to it. It aims to ensure that all participating students sit the same Junior Certificate examination as their peers in as many subjects as they can succeed in. Students leave school for all kinds of reasons and so the framework is flexible to meet those different needs.

St. Mary's Programme Framework

A young person who feels valued within the school community is more likely to stay in school. The development of a positive relationship between the young person and the teachers is central to this.

Through this framework;

→ A team approach is adopted
→ A creative curriculum is developed for the students
→ A student Profiling System is adopted
→ Students track their own progress
→ Achievement is acknowledged and rewarded at each stage
→ A cross-curricular approach with active teaching methodologies is adopted

The Aim for the J.C.S.P.:

The aim for the student is to:
→ Stay in school
→ Enjoy school
→ Get involved
→ Experience success
→ Have positive reports to bring home
→ Develop a positive self-image
→ Improve literacy and numeracy
→ Improve attendance
→ Enjoy a broad curriculum
→ Achieve a final positive record of achievement

J.C.S.P. subjects offered at St. Mary's School:

MathsSwimmingHome Economics

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